Lynx Music

Lynx Music Progressive & Art Rock Since 1998



MILLENIUM The Best Of...Something Ends Something Begins 2CD

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MILLENIUM  The Best Of...Something Ends  Something Begins  2CD


Format CD
Type Lynx Music
Added on Wednesday, 14 September 2022
Number of discs 0


MILLENIUM - The Best Of...Something Ends Something Begins 2CD digipack

Dwupłytowy album kompilacyjny zawierający najbardziej znane utwory Millenium z lat 2000-2020 Dwadzieścia kompozycji , a wśród nich nieznane alternatywne wersje , cztery nagrania live , oraz dwa wyjątkowe nagrania w tym jedno zupełnie nowe „ Something Ends Something Begins „ !

Wydawnictwo idealne dla tych , którzy chcieliby poznać w pigułce dyskografię zespołu oraz dla kolekcjonerów , sympatyków Millenium.

Album , który zamyka kolejny rozdział historii Millenium ! Coś się kończy ! Coś zaczyna !

Premiera Wrzesień 2022

You are given a double CD compilation of the most prominent songs by Millenium, during their 2000-2020 period. This album contains twenty selections, amongst which there are several unknown alternative versions, four live recordings and two unique tracks, including the brand new one called Something Ends, Something Begins”. It seems to be a perfect release for anyone who would like to get familiar with the band’s discography in a nutshell, as well as being a special item for fans and collectors. Thus, MILLENIUM’s “The Best Of… Something Ends, Something Begins” is a thoughtful collection designed to close another chapter in the group’s history. Briefly speaking – as the album title itself  suggests – something ends, something begins!

Disc 1
Name On The Sand
44 Minutes
Born In 67
Road To Infinity (Alternative version)
Visit In Hell 
Light Your Cigar (Live version)
Madman (Live version)
We Try Again
Bonus Track:
Save Me  (alternative Unnamed song 2022 version)

Disc 2
The Web part 3
When I fall 
My Father Always Said
Back To The Childhood (Live version)
Drunken Angels (Live version)
The Circles Of Life
In The World Of Fantasy ? (Alternative  version)
Bonus Track :
Something Ends Something Begins ( a new track 2020/2022)

Label: Lynx Music

NOŚNIK:2CD digipack


Bar code: 5904653776082

Hits 1547
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