DataFormat CDType Lynx Music Added on Thursday, 10 January 2013 Number of discs 1 ReviewUtwory z płyty "The Indefinte State of Matter" zostały skomponowane w 2010 roku. W tamtym czasie eksperymentowaliśmy z samplami, loopami, analogowymi sytezatorami i gitarami, wykorzystując cyfrową technologię zapisu dźwięku w naszym domowym studio. Byliśmy przekonani, że nasze CD wkrótce pojawi się na rynku. Ale życie zmusiło nas do przerwania prac nad nowym projektem. Pochłonięci materialną stroną życia, łapczywie zarabialiśmy pieniądze, które umożliwiły nam przetrwanie w czasach ekonomicznego kryzysu (cóż za wymówka!). Zapomnieliśmy o tym, co było w naszym życiu najważniejszą sprawą - o muzyce. Nagrane utwory "spoczęły w pokoju" na komputerowych dyskach twardych czekając w zapomnieniu na katastrofę (brak jakiejkolwiek kopii zapasowej!!!)
Tracks from the album "The Indefinite state of Matter" were composed in 2010. Those days we were experimenting with many different samples, loops, analog keyboards and guitars. We were using digital recording technology from our home studio. We were confident that our CD would appear on the market soon. But life has forced us to stop work on the new project. Involved in the material side of life, we were greedily making money that would help us survive in times of economic crisis, what an excuse! We had forgotten about what has always been one of the top particles of our lives, music. Songs "rested in peace" on computer hard drives waiting in limbo for the crash (no backup!!!). One day the boss of the record label (Lynx Music) – Ryszard Kramarski called us and insisted on sharing with him our new songs. It was hard to find the abandoned compositions but finally we sent him the files. His answer was: "You must make it!" We had big doubts about entering the studio and recording this material again. We were not sure whether the songs were good enough that to be released on CD. But… Ryszard was adamant. Thanks to him again we did several rehearsals and started working in the studio. This CD carries music and lyrics with questions and doubts about human nature - uncontrollable matter full of good and evil. Listen to it carefully, but not alone, surrounded by darkness, standing on a precipice or holding dangerous object. Remember, you listen to this at your own risk… Skład : Jerzy Antczak gitary , Krzysztof Malec klawisze , Katarzyna Malec wokal |

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