Lynx Music

Lynx Music Progressive & Art Rock Since 1998



Forsaken Innocence 2LP vinyl Black

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Forsaken Innocence 2LP vinyl Black


Format Vinyl
Type Dystrybucja
Added on Friday, 22 April 2022
Number of discs 0



Side A:  

King of the Countr 11:36

Insidious 8:08


Side B:  


Dementium 9:10

New Dawn 7:13


Side C: 

Forsaken Innocence - Parts 1 and 2  24:28


Side D: 

Time to Go   2:28

Hand on Heart   4:50


The 7th regular studio album of a British neo-progressive band. 
Probably the best album of the group, although Mr. Pat Sanders is the leader
and composer of the whole material,
the new vocalist JARGON (VERBAL DELIRIUM - Greek neo-prog legendary band)
made his presence very stylish by singing
and taking part in the arrangements of these songs.
The music is a melodic, but ambitious, symphonic-prog between
the group's previous albums and Jargon's solo project - Fading Thought.

7my regularny studyjny album brytyjskiej formacji neo-progresywnej.
Chyba najlepsza płyta grupy, choć liderem i kompozytorem całego materiału
jest Pan Sanders, to jednak wokalista - nowy - JARGON (VERBAL DELIRIUM)
śpiewając i biorąc udział w aranżacjach tych utworów mocno zaznaczył stylowo
swoją obecność. Muzyka to melodyjny, ale ambitny, symfonic-prog pomiędzy
poprzednimi albumami grupy, a solowym projektem Jargona - Fading Thought.

Artwork – Dimitris Tzortzis
Bass – John Jowitt
Drums – Jimmy Pallagrosi
Electric Organ [Hammond] – Ben Bell (5) (tracks: 3)
Guitar – Eric Bouillette (tracks: 7), Gareth Cole (tracks: 4), Mathieu Spaeter
Keyboards – Jargon (tracks: 6), Pat Sanders (2)
Mixed By, Mastered By – Leonidas Petropoulos*
Violin – Eric Bouillette (tracks: 1, 5)
Vocals – Jargon

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