Lynx Music

Lynx Music Progressive & Art Rock Since 1998



fatherson CD digipack

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fatherson CD digipack


Format CD
Type Lynx Music
Added on Thursday, 16 January 2025
Number of discs 0


FatherSon ( CD digipack )

When the 70's prog rock meets the 80's pop-rock.

Nowy studyjny projekt Ryszarda i Michała Kramarskiego

Od dłuższego czasu planowałem nagrać album , który byłby połączeniem rocka progresywnego lat 70 tych z ambitnym pop-rockiem lat 80 tych. Do współpracy zaprosiłem mojego syna Michała, który zaśpiewał i zaaranżował wszystkie wokale na tym albumie. W ten sposób powstał projekt pod nazwą: FATHERSON.

Nie zabrakło na tym albumie muzyków z formacji Millenium, tRKproject i Framauro!

Gościnnie partie solowe na gitarze zagrał Marcin Kruczek oraz na basie Krzysztof Wyrwa.

Teksty na podstawie naszych pomysłów napisał Zdzisław Zabierzewski, a za miks albumu odpowiedzialny jest Kamil Konieczniak ( Moonrise)

Premiera Styczeń 2025

Ryszard Kramarski


The latest studio project by Ryszard & Michal Kramarski

For quite some time, I kept planning to record a long play album that could be a nice combination of prog rock of the 70's and high level pop-rock of the 80's. Therefore I invited my son Michal to start collaborating with me, and so he sang and also arranged all of the vocals on this album, shortly afterwards. This is how the project called FATHERSON finally came into existence. Present during the recording of this album were again some musicians of Millenium, tRK Project and Framauro!  The guitar solo parts were played by Marcin Kruczek; and Krzysztof Wyrwa composed the bass guitar pieces - both the guys performing as guest musicians. Zdzisław 'The Bat' Zabierzewski wrote all the lyrics, inspired by Ryszard's & Michal's ideas, and responsible for the final mixing of the album was of course Kamil Konieczniak (of Moonrise).  The album premiere is to take place in January 2025. Ryszard Kramarski


Michał Kramarski - vocals

Ryszard Kramarski - keyboards , guitars, prog. drums

with guests:

Marcin Kruczek - solo guitars

Krzysztof Wyrwa - bass

music by Ryszard Kramarski

lyrics by Zdzisław Zabierzewski


1.Generation War 5:15

2.Old Love Never Dies 5:14

3.The Meaning Of Life 4:44

4.Time To Grow Up 5:16

5.The Girl Who Talked To Dolphins 5:00

6.AI Is Coming ! 5:50

7.Political Games 4:51

8.The Goldfish 5:01

9.Solitude And Sadness 5:15

10.Father/Son 4:18


Label : Lynx Music

data : CD

bar code : 5904653776501


Hits 396
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