Lynx Music

Lynx Music Progressive & Art Rock Since 1998




0000 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 / 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 0 RATINGS


Format CD
Type Lynx Music
Added on Saturday, 12 January 2013
Number of discs 1


MILLENIUM Deja Vu (2014 re-edition / orginal version from  2004 )jawel case

Trzeci studyjny album Millenium z 2004 roku

Na albumie Deja vu znalazły się nowe aranżacje utworów z albumu Millenium 1999.

Deja Vu ( orginal version 2004 )

the silent hill 7: 23

the cynical crusade 5:58

drunken angels 6: 43

greasy mud part 1 & 2 5:49

ultraviolet 3:17

deja vu 6:02

fumbled 7:01

tears of yesterday 5:50

 ("The Silent Hill" to "Karty Prawdy", "Cynical Crusade" to "Święte Małpy, "Greasy Mud to "Ekopieśń", "Fumbled" to "Betonowy Świat", "Tears of Yesterday" to "Baśniowe Alternatywy

Hits 4397
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