Lynx Music

Lynx Music Progressive & Art Rock Since 1998



Notes Without Words (digipak)

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Notes Without Words (digipak)


Format CD
Type Lynx Music
Added on Friday, 18 May 2018
Number of discs 0


MILLENIUM Notes Without Words (digipak )

(Instrumental tracks)

Specjalna edycja albumu z okazji 20 Urodzin Lynx Music !

Album Notes without Words to wszystkie instrumentalne utwory zespołu zebrane na jednej płycie , które zostały zamknięte w ponad godzinnej suicie. Rarytasem na płycie jest utwór Notes without words pochodzący z sesji Three Brothers Epilogue. Jest to pierwsza instrumentalana wersja suity Epilogue , która ostatecznie nie znalazła się na tym mini albumie.

Special edition -20th Anniversary of Lynx Music 

All instrumental Millenium tracks closed in over an hour's suite.

Rarity on this album is track : Notes without words from the Three Brothers Epilogue session.

This is the first short instrumental version of Epilogue suite , which did not make it to this mini album.


1.Talk to Aliens  3:07

2.Reincarnations  5:08

3.Eden?   1:53

4.Lost Teddy Bear  5:39

5.Chaos  4:12

6.Puzzled  6:00

7.Mirage 3:00

8.It Could Have Happened to You  3:08

9.Burning 3:50

10.The Mirror of Memories 6:56

11.Calling! 4:06

12.Broken Rule 6:36

13.The Big Dream of Mr Sunders 3:42

14.Notes Without Words (Epilogue) 6:58


Millenium :

Ryszard Kramarski -keyboards ,guitars

Piotr Płonka -guitars

Krzysztof Wyrwa - bass, Warr guitar

Grzegorz Bauer - drums ( track:4,10,11)

Darek Rybka - saxophone ( track:4,10,11)


ex-members of Millenium:

Tomasz Paśko - drums

Piotr Mazurkiewicz - bass  (track:2,5,7,8)

Tomasz Pabian- guitars ( track:5,7)


Bogdan Kołodziej - solo guitar (track :7)

Arek Kaliński - saxophone (track:8)

Aretha Chmiel- saxophone (track:9)

Magda Ksiązek - cello (track:5)

Agnieszka Wilkoń- flute (track:7)

music by Ryszard Kramarski

track 2 music by Kramarski & Płonka

track 7 music by  Pabian & Kramarski

track 9 music by Piotr Matraj

all tracks recorded at Lynx Music Studio

except tracks: 2,5,7,8  B&B Records by Bogdan Kołodziej

Produced by Ryszard Kramarski

except track 2 ,5,7 by Bogdan Kołodziej

and track 8 by Płonka & Paśko


Label: Lynx Music

NOŚNIK :CD digipak



Bar code : 5906395942329

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