Lynx Music

Lynx Music Progressive & Art Rock Since 1998



Tales from imaginary movies LP vinyl

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Tales from imaginary movies LP vinyl


Format Vinyl
Type Lynx Music
Added on Wednesday, 25 January 2023
Number of discs 0


MILLENIUM - Tales From Imaginary Movies 

Gatefold sleeve 180 gram black vinyl


Side B

1.Tales from Imaginary Movies (The Opening Credits )

2.Invisible Superhero

3.The Sounds Of War

4.Brightness Hidden In The Dark


Side A

1.A comedy Of Love

2.A World Full Of Spies

3.Memories In Tears

4.Second Earth

5.Tales from Imaginary Movies (The End Credits )



Bohaterem tej muzyczno-lirycznej opowieści jest młody aktor , który stara się o główne role w wysokobudżetowych filmach kinowych.Codziennie chodzi na castingi walcząc o rolę życia, która zrobi z niego gwiazdę kina !

Oto historia kilku nie istniejących filmów , gatunkowo różnych i niosących życiowe przesłania.

Oto historia Davida L. Sundersa  ( syna Daniela Sundersa z albumu Vocanda )

Album nagrany z nowym wokalistą Dawidem Lewandowskim.

The central character of this musical/lyrical story is a young actor, who tries his best to get the lead role in one of the latest cinema productions. Each day, he goes to a casting call and struggles for a dream role of his life that would make him become a superstar!

So here is the album narrative of a few non-existent movies in various genres

and with different life mottos.

Let us present you with the lifestory of David L. Sunders

(the son of Daniel Sunders of the "Vocanda" album).

Album recorded with a new singer Dawid Lewandowski.

Dawid Lewandowski -vocal
Piotr Płonka -guitars
Krzysztof Wyrwa -bass
Grzegorz Bauer – drums

Ryszard Kramarski - keyboards & acoustic guitars



Label: Lynx Music

NOŚNIK:LP vinyl  180 gram  black 


Bar code: 5904653776129

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