Lynx Music

Lynx Music Progressive & Art Rock Since 1998



Alone+Light and Sound 2CD

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Alone+Light and Sound 2CD


Format CD
Type Dystrybucja
Added on Wednesday, 08 May 2019
Number of discs 0



MR GIL " Alone + Light and Sound " plus bonus track's  2 CD digipak


Reedycja pierwszego solowego albumu Mirka Gila 1998 roku, muzyka w

stylu symfonik-prog-rocka dla wszystkich wielbicieli Collage, zawiera 2

bonusowe nagrania, plus płyta Light And Sound – 3ci solowy album z

2010 roku, także 2 bonusy. Całość wydana w digipacku z zachowaną

originalną grafiką.


The 1st solo project of the current leader and guitar player of

Polish progressive group BELIEVE, known as a legend of

legendary formation COLLAGE. 20th Anniversary Edition (first

release 1998 + 3rd album from 2010 + 4 bonus tracks. Beautiful

music in symfonic-prog-rock style for fans from COLLAGE to PINK

FLOYD. Mirek Gli with characteristic sound of his guitar created for

that project the band of Polish prog scene stars. The texts are in

English and original art of 1st release release in digi-pack. New

front art.-work.



1998/2019 + 2 BONUS TRACKS


  1. Strange 6,17

  2. I dont believe 3,45

  3. Alone 6,37

  4. Wake up 6,37

  5. Beggar 3,14

  6. Set me free 3,16

  7. War 3,53

  8. Mother dream 4,09

  9. Enough 8,43

  10. Stay 3,38

  11. New day 5,19

  12. Free 1,13

Bonus Tracks:

13.The bright day 3,03

14. I believe 2,56



CD 2: LIGHT AND SOUND – 2010 / 2019 + 2 BONUS TRACKS


  1. One Wish To Mother 2,49

  2. No More Of The Dark 5,09

  3. Best Regards 3,38

  4. Easily 3,45

  5. Annah 3,28

  6. King Of Gold 5,22

  7. Kto Aniołem Był (acoustic) 3,00

  8. The Bright Island 2,45

  9. Light And Sound 2,59

  10. Kto Aniołem był 4,06

Bonus Tracks:

  1. Best Wishes For Robert Fripp 3,06 (2005)

  2. Holy Night 4,43 (2008)


Bonus Tracks remastered 2018.

Hits 2141
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