Lynx Music

Lynx Music Progressive & Art Rock Since 1998



Tessellation Of Euclidean Space

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Tessellation Of Euclidean Space


Format CD
Type Dystrybucja
Added on Friday, 20 October 2017
Number of discs 0


Quantum Fantay-Tessellation Of Euclidean Space

A new studio album (2017 )Digipak


1. Tessellate
2. Manas Kavya
3. Astral Projection
4. Skytopia (a) Azure (Sky Blue)
5. Skytopia (b) Laputa (Castle in the Sky)
6. Skytopia (c) Ignis Fatuus (Illusion)
7. Skytopia (d) Empyrean (Cosmos)
8. Anahata



- Pete Mush / synths and programming
- Jaro / bass 
- Gino Bartolini / drums, percussion
- Tom Tas / guitars
- Nette Willox / sax

Hits 2203
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