Lynx Music

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From a Distance

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From a Distance


Format CD
Type Dystrybucja
Added on Tuesday, 04 August 2020
Number of discs 0



neo-progressive rock 2020, 1st studio CD multi



Znakomity, pierwszy album międzynarodowej formacji neo-progresywnej zadowoli wszystkich wielbicieli progresywnego grania od Pendragonu, przez takie formacje jak Arena, Galahad, Marillion. Ale nie jest to jakiekolwiek naśladownictwo. Formacja wypracowała swój niepowtarzalny styl, a imponujący zestaw muzyków stworzył progresywne dzieło na miarę XXi wieku.
SWAPPERS ELEVEN został utworzony przez trzech zwycięzców konkursu Marillion Swap The Band, który w różnych latach i na różnych kontynentach odbywał się w ramach "MARILLION WEEKEND". To Allesandro Carmassi, Luiz Alvim i Gary Foalle. Zaprosili oni dodatkowo 14stu muzyków z różnych krajów. Efekt można podziwiać i usłyszeć na płycie wydanej 27 lipca 2020 przez polski label OSKAR.

Excellent, the first album of the international neo-progressive formation will please all lovers of progressive playing from Pendragon, through such formations as Arena, Galahad, Marillion. But this is not any imitation. The formation has developed its unique style, and an impressive set of musicians created a progressive work tailored to the 21st century.
SWAPPERS ELEVEN was created by the three winners of the Marillion's Swap The Band contest, which took place as part of the "MARILLION WEEKEND" in different years and on different continents. This is Allesandro Carmassi, Luiz Alvim and Gary Foalle. They also invited 14 musicians from different countries. The effect can be admired and heard on the album released on July 27, 2020 by the Polish label OSKAR.

Excellent, the first album of the international neo-progressive formation will please all lovers of progressive playing from Pendragon, through such formations as Arena, Galahad, Marillion. But this is not any imitation. The formation has developed its unique style, and an impressive set of musicians created a progressive work tailored to the 21st century.
SWAPPERS ELEVEN was created by the three winners of the Marillion's Swap The Band contest, which took place as part of the "MARILLION WEEKEND" in different years and on different continents. This is Allesandro Carmassi, Luiz Alvim and Gary Foalle. They also invited 14 musicians from different countries. The effect can be admired and heard on the album released on July 27, 2020 by the Polish label OSKAR.

1. The Collector (5:38)
2. Tomorrow (4:06)
3. Distance (13:04)
4. Spectrum (7:28)
5. New Year’s Resolution (3:49)
6. Open Your Eyes (13:23)
7. First Light (2:39)

8. Hope Is A Stranger (7:26)

Total Time 57:33

Luiz Alvim (Brazil) – Keyboards
Alessandro Carmassi (Italy) – Vocals
Gary Foalle (UK) – Bass
Carl Wragg (UK) - Guitar
Arild Brøter (Norway) - Drums
Daniel van der Weijde (Netherlands) - guitar
Will Addicts (France) - keyboards
Marcin Sosnowski (Poland) - Saxophone
José Luiz Ramos (Chile) - Bass
Dave Wruck (USA) - keyboards
Michelle Aragon (USA) - vocals
Rik van Dommelen (Netherlands) - Bass
Enrico Rossetti (Italy) - Drums
Darren Newitt (UK) - guitar
Special Guests:
Rafael Marcolino (Brazil) - Drums
Ian Humphrey (UK) - vocals
Neil Lough (UK) - Fretless Bass

Hits 2033
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