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Funfair fantasy

2013 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 / 0 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 50 out of 5 0 RATINGS
Funfair fantasy


Format CD
Type Dystrybucja
Added on Friday, 28 June 2013
Number of discs 1


 TRION  Funfair fantasy

Trzecia studyjna płyta – 2013 - holenderskiej art.-symfoniczno-rockowej super-grupy TRION.

Projekt powstał z inicjatywy klawiszowca grupy FLAMBOROUGH HEAD Edo Spanningi. Który zaprosił do współpracy ówczesnego gitarzystę Flamborough Head (obecnie LEAP DAY) Eddie Muldera i perkusistę grupy ODYSSICE Menno Boomsmę. Styl Trion opaty na brzmieniach gitary i klawiszy – mellotron – nawiązuje stylowo do rocka progresywnego lat 70tych takich jak Camel, Genesis itp. Muzyka instrumentalna z pogranicza symfonicznego i neo-progresywnego rocka zadowoli fanów gatunku.

 3rd brand new studio album the Dutch art.-symphonic-rock super group Trion. The idea for this muscial project came from FLAMBOROUGH HEAD's keyboard player Edo Spanninga and was by accident when he tested some recording equipment in order to record Seventies styled music as a fun-project. Eventually Edo was so excited about the results that he recruited other FLAMBOROUGH HEAD member Eddie Mulder (guitars and bass) and ODYSSICE drummer Menno Boomsma to make an album. The name TRION is a contraction of the words 'trio' and '(Mello)tron', simply because the band is a trio and because Edo only used Mellotron samples (flute, oboe, strings, organ, cello, vibe and choir) for his keyboard sound on this album. The trio had total freedom to exchange ideas and to work on the arrangements.

The music on TRION's albums is simply structured but it sounds very moving and is loaded with beautiful Mellotron samples.

If you´re missing good instrumental music of the caliber of Camel´s The Snowgoose, this is the album you´re looking for. All tracks are very good and varied, but the absolute highlight for me is New Moon, a very fine track that mixes early Genesis with a wonderful Camel-like guitar that is pure joy. Artwork is also great and fits very nice with the music inside.



Spis utworów/Tracking list:


1. Ampelmannchen.....6:38

2. Gananoque.............2:29

3. Scotland................11:30

4. In the distance.........5:43

5. Wandering...............2:16

6. Towers.....................4:19

7. Sealth......................3:00

8. Meat prizes..............4:56

9. Song for Canada.....5:23

10.Secret matter..........7:05


Line-up / Musicians


- Edo Spanninga (of FLAMBOROUGH HEAD) - flute, oboe, strings, organ, cello, vibe, Mellotron samples, Elka leslie

- Eric Mulder (ex-FLAMBOROUGH HEAD, of-LEAP DAY) - acoustic and electric guitars, bass

- Menno Boomsma (of ODYSSICE) / drums

Hits 4471
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