Lynx Music

Lynx Music Progressive & Art Rock Since 1998



Stolen Thoughts - digipak

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Stolen Thoughts - digipak


Format CD
Type Dystrybucja
Added on Friday, 17 August 2018
Number of discs 0


RETROSPECTIVE - Stolen Thoughts

(10th Anniversary remastered) digipak


Nowa edycja pierwszego albumu z 2008 roku .

Nowy miks ,nowe ślady , nowa grafika

wersja digiapak


A new mix , new mastering , new artwork and digipack version

10th Anniversary remastered


1. Defend Your Identity

2. Stupid Joke

3. Sitting in the Red Train

4. Yesterday's Dream

5. Memories

6. It's Time to Grow Up

7. sNoone

8. Asleep


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