Lynx Music

Lynx Music Progressive & Art Rock Since 1998



Spectrum of the Green Morning

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Spectrum of the Green Morning


Format CD
Type Dystrybucja
Added on Friday, 19 October 2018
Number of discs 0



RETROSPECTIVE „Spectrum of the Green Morning”

FIRST Mini Album 10th Anniversary Remastered

1.Enemy World Vision (7:40)
2. Some Kind Of Hope (4:43)
3. Pink Elephant Missed (4:12)
4. Waking Up In The Zoo (8:13)
5. Regret And Frightened Child (5:39)
6. Have In Mind (4:10)

Total Time 34:37

- Maciej Klimek / guitar
- Robert Kusik / drums
- Beata Łagoda / keyboards
- Łukasz Marszałek / bass guitar
- Jakub Roszak / vocals
- Alan Szczepaniak / guitar



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